WEF volunteers are the lifeblood of the organization and it is our honor to recognize our outstanding volunteers.

The WEF Community Leadership Council (CLC) and House of Delegates (HOD) created the Volunteer Service Recognition to recognize those members who significantly contribute to the successes and achievements of WEF through service to a WEF Community or the HOD.  A Service Recognition Pin will be presented to each recipient in recognition of the honor.

Nomination Form

Criteria for Recognition:

  • Must be a member of WEF for a minimum of five years and an active community member, or an active HOD workgroup or community member - a maximum of 15 recipients will be selected in any given year (12 community members/3 HOD members).
  • Provided significant contributions to WEF via:
    • Leadership above and beyond in a community, focus group, or work group
    • Significant and/or substantial service to a community or focus group
    • Contributed unique, innovative, or creative perspectives to a community or focus group
  • Other criteria to consider:
    • Efforts contributed to the community, focus group or workgroup
    • Provided mentoring and/or support to other WEF members
    • Served as a liaison to other community, focus group, or workgroups in addition to a primary role in community, focus group, or workgroup
    • Encouraged involvement by other community, workgroup, or focus group members
    • This recognition is not intended for presenting papers, publications, or speaking at engagements.
  • Volunteer Service Recognition nominees are recommended by the individual CLC or HOD community, focus group or workgroups and submitted to the respective CLC or HOD Steering Committee.
  • Nominations from the CLC are to be supported by the committee steering subcommittee, the community nominating focus group, community staff liaison, CoP Director and CLC Steering Committee.
  • Nominations from the HOD are to be supported by the HOD Steering Committee, staff liaison, and Speaker of the House.

Nomination Process:

  • Nominations are accepted from all communities and typically are limited to one individual per community. 
  • Community members can nominate individuals through their community leadership.  Individuals may not nominate themselves. 
  • Nominations are submitted through the online application link below and must be received no later than June 30, 2025
  • Review and selection of recipients will be completed by July 31, 2025.
  • Recipients of Recognition will be notified by leadership/chairs after CLC or HOD Steering committee makes selections. Notifications will be completed by August 31, 2025.
  • Recipients will be recognized at WEFTEC 2025 and will receive a VSR pin. 

    Nomination Form