The House of Delegates is the deliberative and representational body of WEF. It advises the Board on matters of strategic direction and public-policy development, and has the authority to elect and remove Trustees only to the extent provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws.
Questions or Comments?
Contact WEF Staff:
Kelsey Hurst
Phone: +1-703-684-2477
Leadership Work Groups & Committees Resources WEF Volunteer Service Recognition
Bill Davis, Speaker
Job Title: Director of Utilities, Richland County Government
City and State: Columbia, South Carolina
Member Association: WEA of South Carolina
Click here to view Bill's complete biography.
Scott Aurit, Speaker-Elect
Job Title: Vice President; NE/IA Pump Stations and Pipelines Business Class Lead, HDR
City and State: Omaha, Nebraska
Member Association: Nebraska WEA
Click here to view Scott's complete biography.
HOD 2023-2024 Work Groups
HOD Strategic Plan Work Group
(12 months)
Work Group Leaders - Scott Aurit, Nebraska WEA and Leigh Thomas, Delegate-at-Large
HOD of the Future: Delegates-at-Large Work Group
(6 months | October - March)
Work Group Leaders - Scott Foley, Delegate-at-Large and Kam Law, Delegate-at-Large
HOD of the Future: Emerging Leaders Work Group
(6 months | April -September)
Work Group Leaders - Tina Sheikhzeinoddin, Alabama's WEA and Haley Goddard, Pacific Northwest CWA
HOD New Member Onboarding/Orientation Work Group
(3 months | October-December)
Work Group Leaders - Diane Grossenheider, Missouri WEA and Mike Welke, Ohio WEA
MA New Delegate Selection Best Practices Work Group
(3 months | January-March)
Work Group Leaders - Erin Longworth, WEA of Ontario and Dan Collins, Illinois WEA
Workforce Development Work Group
(6 months | April-September)
Work Group Leaders -Amy Baker, AZ Water Association and Carol Martinson, Rocky Mountain WEA
HOD Committees
Budget Committee
Nominating Committee
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
WEFMAX Committee
Communications Committee
Water Advocacy Committee
Imagine life free of water challenges. What does that look like to you? Check out WEF’s new Strategic Plan to see how we’ll get there and then share your water story.
Details About the Strategic PlanConnect with our community of water professionals who ensure that our local communities have access to clean water that protects public health. Explore our member benefits and find the membership type that’s right for you.
This virtual workspace, called WEFUnity, empowers WEF members to network and collaborate in an online environment.
See what's happening in the Community PlatformWEF is a source of high-quality technical resources featuring the latest research, news, and education. WEF's members and other credible resources have created and compiled this information into the Practice Area groupings listed in the dropdown menu.
Test your knowledge of wastewater and laboratory with a 10-question, multiple-choice quiz. Quizzes incorporate math, safety, and various other topics to help you test, maintain, and advance your wastewater knowledge.