Stormwater is the only growing source of water pollution in many watersheds across the country. With urban populations expected to grow to nearly 70 percent by 2050, and more frequent and intense storms occurring across the country, there is ever-increasing pressure on stormwater systems and water infrastructure.
While the challenges of stormwater management appear to be vast, overcoming them creates a unique opportunity for governments, industry, academia, and civil society to further advance sustainability, resilience, and community livability.
Based on input from leading stormwater professionals, the 2023 Rainfall to Results: The Future of Stormwater report details the challenges, opportunities, and pathways to improving the nation’s stormwater systems to make them more efficient, effective, and sustainable.
2023 Rainfall to Results: The Future of Stormwater
This report was the first product of the Water Environment Federation (WEF) Stormwater Institute and charts a path forward for the sector with a vision, broad objectives, and specific actions for achieving a healthier water environment.
View the 2015 Rainfall to Results Executive Summary
2015 Rainfall to Results - Full Report
"In the future, all stormwater will be considered a resource and managed through an optimized mix of affordable and sustainable green, gray, and natural infrastructure. Pollutant source control and management of runoff volume will be pursued aggressively as a complement to traditional stormwater controls. Stormwater infrastructure will be funded fully and managed by a true utility with a comprehensive asset management plan that benchmarks for future success. Management techniques will improve continually through new science, experiences, technical innovations, and responsive regulations. Stormwater management will be part of doing business and part of community resiliency and quality of life. The community will value and understand the many benefits of stormwater infrastructure."
The report identifies six objectives that are central to supporting the future of stormwater vision:
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