From hands-on-training and leadership opportunities, such as Operations Challenge, to online training, such as the Wastewater Treatment Fundamentals series, WEF provides operators with many opportunities to advance on-the-job knowledge and develop their careers.
The featured resources below are just a sample of everything WEF has to offer. Search our entire website and technical resource database for more.
From hands-on training and leadership opportunitie to our Operator Training Manuals series, WEF provides operators with various opportunities to advance your on-the-job knowledge and career.
WEF's comprehensive Skills Builder quizzes incorporate math, safety, and a variety of other topics to help you test, maintain, and advance your operations and maintenance knowledge.
This scholarship provides funding for individuals who are seeking water sector operator education, training, or certification to enter the water sector or advance their knowledge, skills, abilities or license.
WEF Study Guides are designed for today’s professional operators. Our guides cover a wide range of facility operations, including biosolids, collection systems, laboratory testing, and wastewater operations.
Operations Challenge is the world’s premier skills competition for water resource recovery facility operators. As one of the most effective training and development tools for operators, it now has been replicated by several international organizations.
The Operations Challenge Community coordinates the industry's premier professional-skills competition. Held annually at WEFTEC, the event recognizes excellence in wastewater operations. The committee develops and revises the competition protocols that demonstrate the span of skills necessary for contemporary water quality professionals.
The POMC meets online every four to eight weeks and face-to-face at the Midyear Meeting and at WEFTEC. The POMC is charged with developing operations and maintenance workshops, webinars, and training, as well as supporting operations and maintenance technical sessions at WEFTEC.
Join the Plant Operations and Maintenance CommunityConnect with our community of water professionals who ensure that our local communities have access to clean water that protects public health. Explore our member benefits and find the membership type that’s right for you.
This virtual workspace, called WEFUnity, empowers WEF members to network and collaborate in an online environment.
See what's happening in the Community PlatformWEF is a source of high-quality technical resources featuring the latest research, news, and education. WEF's members and other credible resources have created and compiled this information into the Practice Area groupings listed in the dropdown menu.
Test your knowledge of wastewater and laboratory with a 10-question, multiple-choice quiz. Quizzes incorporate math, safety, and various other topics to help you test, maintain, and advance your wastewater knowledge.