Industrial Water Resources

Industries commonly reuse wastewater and process water as water availability becomes scarce, and they are challenged to provide environmentally sustainable wastewater treatment while reducing compliance costs and maintaining value for their businesses.


The latest industrial water resources articles, videos, and other content from throughout the organization and across the water sector.

Industrial Water Resources
Wastewater Collection System Operator Certification Studybook, 3rd Edition

Expand your knowledge of wastewater collection systems operation and prepare for certification examinations

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Industrial Water Resources
Around the Exhibition: Badger Meter

BlueEdge™ is the complete Badger Meter portfolio in action: a transformative suite of solutions designed to drive visibility and optimization of assets.

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Industrial Water Resources
Around the Exhibition: Xylem

Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua simplifies the way utility operators and managers get the information they need when they need it.

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Industrial Water Resources
Around the Exhibition: Wager Company

Chief among the drivers for Wager Company’s innovations is to make systems simple to use and long-lasting.

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Industrial Water Resources
Around the Exhibition: Blue-White Industries

WEFTEC Live met with Rob Gledhill, President and CEO of Blue-White Industries, to discuss his enthusiasm for WEFTEC 2024 and highlight the innovative technologies ...

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Industrial Water Resources
Around the Exhibition: Teledyne Water

Teledyne ISCO has developed a kit to make PFAS sampling easy.

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Featured Industrial Water Resources

The featured resources below are just a sample of everything WEF has to offer. Search our entire website and technical resource database for more.


Industrial Wastewater Management, Treatment & Disposal

This 3rd edition of Manual of Practice No. FD-3 provides the knowhow for treating toxic, concentrated, and polluted wastewater and removing industrial wastes of all kinds by providing detailed descriptions of pretreatment processes, design criteria, and process performance.

Get MOP FD-3

Operation of Water Resource Recovery Facilities

The 7th edition of WEF Manual of Practice No. 11 delivers state-of-the-art coverage of the operation, management, and maintenance of water resource recovery facilities.

Read more on MOP 11

Industrial Water Reclamation & Reuse to Minimize Liquid Discharge

This book serves as a comprehensive summary of water reclamation technologies and practices for minimizing liquid discharge for a broad range of industries.


Access Water Digital Library

In search of all WEF content related to Industrial Water Resources? Look no further than, WEF's digital library of conference papers, WE&T Magazine articles, digital books, fact sheets, conference proceedings, and technical reports.

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Industrial Wastewater Community

The purpose of WEF’s Industrial Wastewater Community (IWWC) is to be a resource on industrial wastewater treatment, design, management, operation, and maintenance, as well as the promotion and improvement of industrial treatment technologies.


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WEF is a source of high-quality technical resources featuring the latest research, news, and education. WEF's members and other credible resources have created and compiled this information into the Practice Area groupings listed in the dropdown menu.

Industrial Water Resources

Industries treat and reuse wastewater and process water as well as provide environmentally sustainable wastewater treatment while reducing costs and maintaining value for their businesses.

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From hands-on-training and leadership opportunities, such as Operations Challenge, to online training, such as the Wastewater Treatment Fundamentals series, WEF provides operators with many opportunities to advance on-the-job knowledge and develop their careers.

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Utility Management

To respond to myriad daily challenges faced by water and wastewater utility leaders, WEF continuously works with its members and partners to develop a variety of management initiatives; resources; and educational, training, and networking opportunities.

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Biosolids Resource Recovery

Through biosolids management, solid residue from wastewater treatment is processed to reduce or eliminate pathogens and minimize odors, forming a safe, beneficial agricultural product. Biosolids are carefully monitored and must be used in accordance with regulatory requirements.

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Collection Systems and Conveyance

The system of underground pipes and maintenance structures that convey wastewater has brought dramatic improvements to public health. Most sewers carry wastes from households and commercial establishments and are referred to as sanitary sewers.

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Government & Regulatory Affairs

WEF advocacy activities aim to educate WEF members and the water sector on public policy issues related to water quality and resources and equip them to play a greater role in water policy discussions.

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Public Health

The water sector and its systems protect public and ecological health. Using the data that can be collected through smart water technologies provides additional insights to address complex public health issues.

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Stormwater & Watershed Management

Take a comprehensive look at how all water resources, including uplands, drainage basins, wetlands, stormwater, surface water, and groundwater interact.

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Water & Wastewater Treatment

More than 16,000 publicly owned water resource recovery facilities operate in the United States. Skilled engineers and operators work together to ensure new and updated facilities continue to protect public health and the environment.

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The logo for WEF Skills BuilderTest your knowledge of wastewater and laboratory with a 10-question, multiple-choice quiz. Quizzes incorporate math, safety, and various other topics to help you test, maintain, and advance your wastewater knowledge.

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