
"Removing PFAS Starts at The Source" as appeared in USA Today

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What Are PFAS?

Per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)1 are a group  of manmade fluorinated compounds which are used for a variety of applications by both industry and residential households. PFAS have been in commercial use since the 1940s and are abundant in today’s society. These chemicals are widely in use because of their exceptional resistance to heat, water, and oil.

PFAS are found commonly in every American household, and in products as diverse as non-stick cookware, stain resistant furniture and carpets, wrinkle free and water repellant clothing, cosmetics, lubricants, paint, pizza boxes, popcorn bags, and many other everyday products.

1. PFAS is the broader class of chemicals that includes PFOA, PFOS, and many others.

Why are we concerned?

These chemicals persist in the environment — meaning they are slow to breakdown and, so, remain chemically active. There is evidence that exposure to PFAS can lead to adverse health outcomes in humans. These concerns require a collaborative and scientifically driven response by legislators, regulators, and drinking water, wastewater, and solid waste agencies to manage PFAS holistically. 

Water facilities are not “producers” or users of PFAS. Rather, they are “receivers” of these chemicals used by manufacturers and everyday consumers, and merely convey and/or manage the traces of PFAS coming into our systems daily. In order to address the true sources of these chemicals, it is imperative to discontinue and phase out production and use at manufacturing facilities and find safer alternatives for heavy-use areas such as firefighting training sites. As long as PFAS are elements of products used in our everyday lives, and background levels resulting from decades of manufacturing and use persist, these chemicals will continue to be found in “receiver” streams.

This page will be updated periodically with short summaries of general information, specific water-sector technical information, WEF events information, and links to trusted sites for the most up-to-date official information. For questions or comments on this page or PFAS in general, contact Victoria Weitekamp.

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Note: The information posted here is a summary of current knowledge about these emerging chemicals. The state of knowledge will evolve as additional investigation and research is conducted, so continuous review of reputable sources and websites is advised.


WEF Resources

WEF has a variety of PFAS resources available to members and non-members.

PFAS Blueprint For Utilities 

WEF developed a blueprint to present best practices and resources for utilities/receivers navigating and addressing PFAS issues in their communities. This publication represents a moment in the evolution of the PFAS story, noting that this is an iterative process in tracking PFAS.

PFAS in the Water and Wastewater Sectors: Fundamentals, Management and Treatment 

A collection of essays offering a state of the field on PFAS from a variety of perspectives within the water sector.

PFAS Fundamentals Compilation

This resource compiles more than 10 PFAS-related publications and guides.

PFAS Factsheet

WEF, together with the American Public Works Association, California Association of Sanitation Agencies, National Association of Clean Water Agencies, National Waste & Recycling Association, Solid Waste Association of North America and the Water Reuse Association, developed this summary factsheet of PFAS substances.

WEF PFAS Position Statement

The Water Environment Federation has developed a series of clean water position statements to guide the critical work WEF provides in clean water policy. These position statements provide the public and clean water professionals with an understanding of how WEF approaches the topics and issues regarding the availability of clean water. Existing position statements are regularly reviewed and updated through the leadership of the Government Affairs Committee, and new position statements are developed as new topics arise in the clean water sector.

Past WEF Webcasts
WEF hosts interactive webcasts on water-related topics and has hosted these PFAS specific webcasts listed below. These WEF webcasts can be viewed via the WEF Learning Center.

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The U.S. EPA announces the release of the "Draft Sewage Sludge Risk Assessment for Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid (PFOS)." On January 14, 2025, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released the Draft Sewage Slude Risk Assessment for PFOA and PFOS for public review and comment. The draft risk assessment indicates that there may be human health risks associated with exposure to PFOA or PFOS through all three methods of using/disposing of biosolids, including: land application, surface disposal in landfills, or incineration. Once finalized, the assessment will be utilized to help the EPA and its partners understand the public health impact of forever chemicals in biosolids and may be used help the agency determine whether regulating PFOA and PFOS in sewage sludge under the Clean Water Act is appropriate. The EPA is accepting written comments from the public from January 15, 2025 through March 17, 2025. Learn more about the EPA's draft risk assessment here and other recent actions to address PFAS in Sewage Sludge

U.S. EPA publishes the summary report called, "Stakeholder Meeting Facilitation for Issues Related to PFAS and Biosolids" in December 2024. This document summarizes the perspectives and thoughts that participants and facilitators shared during the series of workshops. The series included three workshops that were held in 2023-2024, during which participants and the facilitators discussed a rise in concern over PFAS in biosolids and the challenges for wastewater treatment facilities when managing contaminated biosolids. 

The U.S. EPA Announces the Final PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation

On April 10, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released the final rule for a Safe Drinking Water Act Maximum Contaminant Limit (MCL) regulation that will require massive reductions of PFAS in drinking water. For more information, go to: https://www.epa.gov/sdwa/and-polyfluoroalkyl-substances-pfas

The U.S. Senate EPW Committee to hold a hearing to Examine the Impact of Designating PFAS as Hazardous Substances

The U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee to hold a hearing in Washington, DC, to examine the impacts of the U.S. EPA proposed designation of PFAS as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environment Response, Compensation, and Liability Act. The hearing is to be held on March 20, 2024 at 10:00 AM EST – More information on the hearing is available at: Examining PFAS as Hazardous Substances - Hearings - U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. The live video of the hearing and witness testimony will be available on the EPW Committee’s website, using this link: U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

U.S. EPA Announces Publication of Analytical Methods for PFAS: Method 1633 and Method 1621

On January 31, 2024, the EPA published two final analytical methods for PFAS: Method 1633 and Method 1621. The two methods will be used by laboratories to test samples for PFAS in a controlled manner. The CWA PFAS Methods website is available at: https://www.epa.gov/cwa-methods/cwa-analytical-methods-and-polyfluorinated-alkyl-substances-pfas

Both methods and their multi-laboratory validation study reports are available on the EPA's Clean Water Act Laboratory Methods website. https://www.epa.gov/cwa-methods.

Joint Principles for Preventing and Managing PFAS in Biosolids
EPA joins the Environmental Council of States (ECOS) and National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) in releasing a universal framework for communicating about PFAS in biosolids.

WEF Submits Comments on U.S. EPA proposed a National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR)

WEF submitted NPDWR comments in coordination with the PFAS Task Force and the Government Affairs Committee ahead of the U.S. EPA’s public hearing on May 4.

Legislation Introduced to Protect Water Systems

A recent bill, “Water Systems PFAS Liability Protection Act” was introduced by U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-WY), with the intent to provide an exemption for drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater agencies, including contracted services providers, from legal liability under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) for the release of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) into the environment. View the full WEF article here.

Water Coalition Submits Comments on CERCLA Exemption

WEF joined the Water Coalition Against PFAS that includes the American Water Works Association, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, National Association of Clean Water Agencies, and the National Rural Water Association. The Coalition provided this endorsement letter for the Water Systems PFAS Liability Protection Act and looks forward to assisting in its passage by the Senate.

Water & Public Services Speak at Congressional Briefings

On February 9, CRROPS (Coalition of Recyclers of Residual Organics by Providers of Sustainability) convened a congressional briefing into the science and policy priorities associated with the development of federal policies to address PFAS chemicals in the environment.  The briefing brought together water sector authorities to present on the impacts of PFAS on public and passive receivers. Panelists included Dr. Linda Lee, Purdue University; Maile Lono-Batura, WEF; Holly Kiser, Maryland Farmer; Chris Poet, D.C. Water/BLOOM; Chris Moody, American Water Works Association; Dan Hartnett, Association of Metropolitan Agencies; and Jason Dadakis, Orange County Water District.

An additional briefing was held on March 27 to spotlight the role of local government and essential public services. Representatives from research, state and local governments, public works, solid waste, composting, and wastewater will offer perspectives on the role of passive PFAS receivers. Panelists included Jesse Maxwell, Solid Waste Assoc. of North American; Bryan Staley, Environmental Research & Education Foundation; Amy Brittain, Oklahoma Dept. of Environmental Quality; Judy Sheahan, U.S. Conference of Mayors; Richard Watson, Delaware Solid Waste Authority; Jeff Ziegenbein, Inland Empire Utilities Agency and California Association of Compost Producers; and Eric Labelle, Town of Kennebunkport, Maine.

EPA Proposes Drinking Water Regulations for PFAS

On March 14, 2023, the U.S. EPA proposed a National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR) to establish legally enforceable Maximum Contamination Levels (MCLs) for six PFAS in drinking water. For additional information, go to: https://www.epa.gov/sdwa/and-polyfluoroalkyl-substances-pfas

EPA Memo to Regional Water Division Directors “Addressing PFAS Discharges in NPDES Permits and Through the Pretreatment Program and Monitoring Programs”

This memorandum provides EPA’s guidance to states and updates the April 28, 2022 guidance1 to EPA Regions for addressing PFAS discharges when they are authorized to administer the NPDES permitting program and/or pretreatment program.

Research Explores Option for Destruction of PFAS

The Water Environment Federation (WEF) has partnered with a multidisciplinary research team to study the effectiveness of destroying per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) using pyrolysis followed by thermal oxidation to support the beneficial reuse of biosolids.  With contributions from supporting utilities and technology providers, the $500,000 study will be led by principal investigators Lloyd Winchell (Brown and Caldwell), Franco Berruti (Western University), and Detlef Knappe (North Carolina State University). The research will evaluate PFAS destruction through a laboratory and full scale pyrolysis and thermal oxidation system, including a mass balance to understand the fate of PFAS through the process.

Department of Energy Releases PFAS Strategic Roadmap

This DOE PFAS Strategic Roadmap outlines the Department’s overall approach, goals and objectives, and planned actions to assess and manage PFAS risk at DOE sites, and in so doing, to help ensure the protection of human health and the environment. Objectives include researching current and past uses and known or potential releases of PFAS, proactively preventing PFAS from entering the environment, cleaning up PFAS contamination where needed and leveraging DOE National Laboratories to enhance PFAS research 

EPA Proposing Designating PFOA and PFOS as CERCLA Hazardous Substances - Comment Period Open

Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, as amended (“CERCLA” or “Superfund”), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or the Agency) is proposing to designate perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), including their salts and structural isomers, as hazardous substances. CERCLA authorizes the Administrator to promulgate regulations designating as hazardous substances such elements, compounds, mixtures, solutions, and substances which, when released into the environment, may present substantial danger to the public health or welfare or the environment. Such a designation would ultimately facilitate cleanup of contaminated sites and reduce human exposure to these “forever” chemicals.  Comments are being accepted through November 7, 2022

Review of EPA’s Analyses to Support EPA's National Primary Drinking Water Rulemaking for PFAS

The Science Advisory Board recently completed its review of the EPA's proposed development of a Maximum Contaminant Level Goal and National Primary Drinking Water REgulation for PFAS under the Safe Drinking Water Act.  In general, the SAB agreed with many of the conclusions presented in the assessments, framework and analysis. The SAB also identified many areas that would benefit from further clarification to enhance transparency and utility. The complete review and analysis can be found at the link above.

EPA Releases RFI: Identifying Critical Data Gaps and Needs to Inform Federal Strategic Plan for PFAS Research and Development

The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) requests input from all interested parties to identify data gaps in research and development regarding several aspects of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). This information will be used to inform a strategic plan for Federal coordination of PFAS research and development and, in compliance with Section 332 of the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21 NDAA), the interagency strategy team on PFAS will also develop an implementation plan for Federal agencies.

What Utilities Need to Know about EPA’s PFAS Health Advisories

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on June 15 issued new, more rigorous drinking water health advisories for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Two of these levels are drastically more stringent than previous levels and likely mean hundreds, if not thousands, of drinking water systems nationwide will be affected. The agency also announced up to $5 billion in grant funding to help communities prepare and deal with these contaminants. Here is what water sector utilities need to know.

EPA Creates Database to Find Thermal Treatment Processes for Remediating PFAS

EPA's PFAS Thermal Treatment Database (PFASTT) is an easy-to-use online tool that provides referenced information on the use of different thermal treatment processes for the remediation of PFAS. It was designed for use by utilities; federal, state and local agencies; scientific researchers; and others interested in the thermal treatment of PFAS. These groups could use PFASTT when making decisions for effective PFAS treatment processes, plan for future treatment plant upgrades, recognizing research needs, and more.  PFASTT includes information for 70 publications involving thermal treatment of 58 different PFAS substances. The treatment and contaminants information in the PFASTT is gathered from literature sources focused on bench-, pilot-, and full-scale studies of thermal treatment of PFAS-laden media. The literature comes from peer-reviewed journals and conferences, other conferences and symposia, research reports, theses, and dissertations.

Draft Method 1621 for Adsorbable Organic Flourine

PA’s Office of Water has published Draft Method 1621, “Screening Method for the Determination of Adsorbable Organic Fluorine (AOF) in Aqueous Matrices by Combustion Ion Chromatography (CIC),” a single-laboratory validated method to screen for organofluorines in wastewater. This method detects organofluorines (molecules with a carbon-fluorine bond), which are rarely naturally occurring. The most common sources of organofluorines are PFAS and non-PFAS fluorinated compounds such as pesticides and pharmaceuticals.

The method is labeled as a screening method because it does not quantify all organofluorines with the same accuracy and has some known interferences that are discussed in the first section of the method. The method tells the user that the organofluorines are present, but does not identify which organofluorines are present.

National PFAS Land Application Research Project

Researchers from the University of Arizona are seeking partners for a national research project addressing whether the land application of biosolids results in higher human exposure to PFAS.  This project will investigate research plots around the country and address the impact biosolids have on groundwater as well as plant uptake in crops.  For more information, please find a presentation from the current project partners here.

EPA Researchers Explore Technology to Destroy PFAS

PFAS molecules are made up of a chain of linked carbon and fluorine atoms. Thanks to recent trials, EPA researchers may have found an effective method of breaking this chain link of carbon and fluorine to destroy PFAS—called Supercritical Water Oxidation (SCWO).

EPA Science Advisory Board PFAS Review Panel Meeting

Beginning December 16th, the EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB) will convene for the following: to review EPA’s Proposed Approaches to the Derivation of a Draft Maximum Contaminant Level Goal for Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) in Drinking Water; Proposed Approaches to the Derivation of a Draft Maximum Contaminant Level Goal for Perfluorooctanesulfonic Acid (PFOS) in Drinking Water; EPA’s Analysis of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction as a Result of Reduced PFOA and PFOS Exposure in Drinking Water; and EPA’s Draft Framework for Estimating Noncancer Health Risks Associated with Mixtures of PFAS.  This meeting (and the others taking place in January) will be open to the public.

PFAS Strategic Roadmap: EPA's Commitments to Action 2021-2024

On October 18, 2021, EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan announced the agency’s PFAS Strategic Roadmap—laying out a whole-of-agency approach to addressing PFAS.

The roadmap sets timelines by which EPA plans to take specific actions and commits to bolder new policies to safeguard public health, protect the environment, and hold polluters accountable. The actions described in the PFAS Roadmap each represent important and meaningful steps to safeguard communities from PFAS contamination. Cumulatively, these actions will build upon one another and lead to more enduring and protective solutions.

Initiating of Two Rulemaking Efforts Under RCRA

In October 2021, EPA announced important steps toward evaluating the existing data for four PFAS under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and strengthening the ability to clean up PFAS contamination across the country through the RCRA corrective action process.

Final Human Health Toxicity Assessment for GenX Chemicals

In October 2021, the Agency published a final human health toxicity assessment for GenX chemicals that was authored by expert career scientists and underwent rigorous external peer review and public comment.

National PFAS Testing Strategy

In October 2021, EPA announced that the Agency is developing a national PFAS testing strategy that intends to use its Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) authorities to require PFAS manufacturers to provide information on PFAS. 

U.S. EPA Announces First Validated Laboratory Method to Test for PFAS in Wastewater, Surface Water, Groundwater, Soils
A partnership between EPA and the Department of Defense’s Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program has produced draft Method 1633, a single-laboratory validated method to test for 40 PFAS compounds in wastewater, surface water, groundwater, soil, biosolids, sediment, landfill leachate, and fish tissue.

EPA Announces Plans for New Wastewater Regulations, Incuding First Limits for PFAS, Updated Limits for Nutrients

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released Preliminary Effluent Guidelines Program Plan 15 (Preliminary Plan 15), which identifies opportunities to better protect public health and the environment through regulation of wastewater pollution. Preliminary Plan 15 announces that EPA will undertake three new rulemakings to reduce contaminants including PFAS and nutrients—from key industries.

EPA releases Emerging Issues in Food Waste Management: Persistent Chemical Contaminants

This issue paper demonstrates that food waste streams are a source of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination in composts and digestates, with PFAS detected in food waste, food contact materials, and composts produced from food waste. Additional research is needed to inform decisions and policies applicable to food waste collection, management, processing, and consequently, the reduction of food waste.

EPA hosts webinar titled “PFAS Technical Support and Scientific Advancements Webinar Archive”

This webinar shares examples of EPA ORD projects conducted in collaboration with and designed by States and Tribes to use ORD’s expertise to identify and improve the understanding of what PFAS are present within various media in local areas of concern. Projects range from environmental sampling around manufacturing facilities to evaluation of the effectiveness of well and wastewater treatment.

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Trusted Sources

A number of agencies, associations and groups have developed valuable, reviewed PFAS related information. The links below point to reputable and reliable sources of information that are updated frequently with technical guidance and the latest research.

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Upcoming and Past Events

WEF continues to seek out and share technical information surrounding PFAS.

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PFAS Task Force*

The vision of the PFAS Task Force is to establish WEF as a recognized leader and trusted resource of information on PFAS for water professionals, the public and decision makers developing policy and regulations.

Objectives of the PFAS Task Force include:

  • Update: Collect, review and summarize available information and research in order to be able to provide widespread, consistent, and reliable information concerning PFAS.
  • Educate: Provide education and resources to enable WEF members to advocate for funding for PFAS research, appropriate regulation of PFAS, and funding for utilities to address PFAS.
  • Communicate: Provide a platform for water professionals to collaborate and share information about PFAS.

Ivan Cooper - CEC, Inc.

Vice Chairs

Teigan Gulliver - HDR Engineering
Gary Hunter  -  Black & Veatch

Viraj DeSilva - Freese & Nichols

*The Task Force has transitioned into an interim Community group. Stay tuned for more infromation on the Community coming soon!


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Two of the most common types (PFOS and PFOA) were phased out of production in the United States (U.S.) in 2002 and 2015 respectively, but are still present in some imported products. PFOA and PFOS are found in every American person’s blood stream in the parts per billion range, though those concentrations have decreased by 70% for PFOA and 84% for PFOS between 1999 and 2014, which coincides with the end of the production and phase out of PFOA and PFOS in the US2.


2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Fourth Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, Updated Tables, (January 2019). Atlanta, GA: U.S. department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. cdc.gov/exposurereport

Several recent legislative and regulatory efforts across the US to address PFAS have focused on limiting levels in drinking water. However, there has been relatively little conversation about the presence of these chemicals in our everyday lives and the public’s sheer exposure to PFAS through primary contact from commercial products used in our everyday lives. Several peer reviewed studies have shown that the mean and median concentration of PFOA in household dust in the US was found to be between approximately 10,000 and 50,000 parts per trillion (ppt)3. These studies highlight the fact that there is significantly more PFOA in the ambient dust in the average home than the levels currently being discussed as thresholds for drinking water. Because PFAS is in the products we use, is transported through air and water and has been found in the food we eat, there are numerous public exposure pathways for PFAS beyond drinking water.

Entities providing essential public services such as safe drinking water, wastewater treatment, water recycling, biosolids recycling, and municipal solid waste management firmly believe in our collective mission to ensure safe drinking water, wastewater treatment, and sanitation services. We acknowledge and embrace our role as environmental and public health stewards and our continued responsibility and commitment to providing a healthy and clean environment now and for future generations. To that end, we support actions and regulations intended to ensure delivery of those services as long as they are based on credible science and developed after due deliberation. There is concern that in the case of PFAS, due to the complexities inherent with them, notification levels, thresholds, and in some cases limits are being developed rapidly and in advance of the scientific and public process.

Drinking water treatment systems, wastewater treatment facilities, and municipal solid waste landfills are not “producers” or users of PFAS, and none of these essential public service providers utilize or profit from PFAS chemicals. Rather, they are “receivers” of these chemicals used by manufacturers and everyday consumers, and merely convey and/or manage the traces of PFAS coming into our systems daily. In order to address the true sources of these chemicals, it is imperative to discontinue and phase out production and use (both domestic and foreign) at manufacturing facilities and find safer alternatives for heavy use areas such as firefighting training sites. As long as PFAS are elements of products used in our everyday lives, and background levels resulting from decades of manufacturing and use persist, these chemicals will continue to be found in “receiver” streams.

Recent legislative and regulatory efforts to address PFAS contamination tend to not differentiate between concentrations at producer and heavy user contaminated sites and common background concentrations in drinking water, groundwater, recycled water, wastewater, biosolids, or landfill leachate. The concentrations of PFAS found in these two scenarios are dramatically different and must be managed separately in public policy and regulation. Sites found near PFAS manufacturers have found contamination at concentrations reaching 100,000 to 500,000 ppt. In the same context, firefighting training sites, including military complexes, PFAS concentrations have been found as high as 6,950,000 ppt.4 In these circumstances, PFAS producers and heavy users have created severely contaminated sites that must be remedied. In contrast, the action levels currently discussed for drinking water systems range from 5–40 ppt, an exceptionally small fraction of the concentrations found at highly contaminated sites. Because of this vast disparity in relative contributions, it is imperative that policy and regulation reflect product manufacturer responsibility and stewardship, as well as cleanup and remediation at highly contaminated sites, differentiated from those that are receiving PFAS in their systems at significantly smaller concentrations.

The U.S. EPA has set a drinking water health advisory level of 70 ppt individually or combined for PFOA and PFOS in drinking water. Through USEPA’s Action Plan5 the Agency is currently evaluating the need to develop maximum contaminant levels (MCL) for these and possibly other PFAS compounds. The Agency similarly proposed preliminary groundwater remediation goals for PFOA and PFOS at 70 ppt combined in areas where groundwater may be used for drinking water. For perspective, one part per trillion is the equivalent of four grains of sugar in an Olympic sized swimming pool, or the equivalent of one second in 32,000 years, or $1.50 out of all the US currency in the world. Even as EPA’s work continues, states have begun setting their own PFAS standards for drinking water at a rapid pace and without following some of the usual regulatory and scientific review and public involvement procedures. The public and political concern about PFAS is leading several states to move forward with regulatory standards or notification levels while the science is developing. For example, New Hampshire6 has adopted regulatory standards of 12 ppt for PFOA and 15 ppt for PFOS in drinking water, the California State Water Board7 has established notification levels of 6.5 ppt for PFOS and 5.1 ppt for PFOA in drinking water, while other states have adhered to the USEPA health advisory level of 70 ppt for both PFOA and PFOS combined. States adopting different standards for the same PFAS compounds are creating confusion and risking undermining public confidence at a time when greater consistency is needed. In fact, stringent state requirements could have significant unintended impacts on public municipalities and individuals, if public systems are deemed unusable and/or need to install prohibitively expensive supplemental treatment systems. Similarly, policies that limit the landfill disposal of PFAS containing wastes could force alternative means of disposal that are less protective of public health and the environment.

States that are establishing, or have adopted, strict PFAS standards for drinking water could also ultimately impact discharge limits on wastewater treatment plants effluent, recycled water, as well as the management of biosolids and leachate. Because PFAS are ubiquitous in households, consumer products, food, and the environment generally, some trace levels reflecting this ubiquitous broad use of these compounds will make their way into the wastewater and solid waste streams. From wastewater treatment plants, some of these trace amounts of PFAS may also be found in biosolids. Trace amounts will also make their way to landfills and resulting leachate. In response to the phase out of PFAS use and appropriate source control and product substitution, continued reduction of trace levels is anticipated. It is important to note that PFAS are also found in paper mill residuals, digestates, composts, and soils. Given the ubiquity of PFAS, and the comparative background levels which may be found in wastewater, biosolids, and leachates, setting requirements near analytical detection limits on these sources may not provide a discernable benefit to protecting public health.

Legislators, regulators, and drinking water, wastewater, and solid waste agencies must work collaboratively to examine how to manage PFAS holistically, with science driving the decision making. We acknowledge and embrace our role as public health and environmental stewards to ensure safe drinking water and sanitation services. However, we know that science is still evolving to understand the fate, exposure, and toxicity of PFAS in various environmental media. The analytical methods needed to study and accurately monitor these chemicals at such trace concentrations are still in development for media other than drinking water. In addition, the extent of public health impacts remains unclear and is not fully understood. This underscores the need to better understand the complex science of PFAS exposure and impacts, verifiable analytical methods, and real-world risk before setting exceedingly stringent thresholds or limits. The goal of any PFAS policy or regulation should be to determine the most effective steps needed to reduce human exposure and implement them within the broad context of protecting human health. This requires differentiating high concentration sites from background concentrations and taking action to mitigate concentrations at high use sites. It also demands both a reassessment of products we produce and use daily, and a realistic assessment of how to control PFAS chemicals already in the background environment. The most significant action we need to take today is to remove these chemicals of concern from the stream of commerce and pursue cleanup and remediation at highly contaminated sites. Source reduction and pollution prevention can serve as the most efficient means of addressing the persistent background presence of PFAS and effectively limit exposure to PFAS going forward.