Sponsored White Papers

Product manufacturers and service providers often have the best solutions to the challenges faced by the water sector. The whitepapers provided below — sponsored here by the organizations that produce them — showcase these solutions and the expertise of these important water sector partners.

Sponsored White Papers
Increased Quality, Less Stratification, Ice Prevention The Benefits of Water Mixing

Northeastern water system advisor recommends CertiSafe mixers to reduce thermal and chemical stratification within tanks, resulting in lower maintenance costs, ...

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Water & Wastewater Treatment
Forward Thinking Utility Knows the Value of Advanced Technology

*Sponsored Content* Greenville, South Carolina Renewable Water Resources (REWA) is responsible for the county’s wastewater infrastructure. For 20 years, ReWa relied ...

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Water & Wastewater Treatment
Safeguarding the Snake River with ProFlex™ Check Valves

*Sponsored Content* Discover how Proco Products, in collaboration with CONSOR Engineers and Ballard Marine Construction, upgraded Ontario, Oregon's wastewater ...

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Sponsored White Papers
Integrated Catchment Modeling for Storm, Sewer, and Flood

*Sponsored Content* Understanding the importance of flood and spill risk management and planning for capacity improvements, system expansions and emergency ...

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Stormwater & Watershed Management
Revolutionizing Wastewater Management in Four Cities Through Water Mixing

*Sponsored Content* Kasco HydraForce Lift Station Agitators break up layers of F.O.G. (fat, oil, and grease), reduce odor, and prevent corrosion and blockages. ...

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Water & Wastewater Treatment
Process Automation Significantly Reduces Secondary Treatment Costs

*Sponsored Content* Collaboration between Emerson and a leading U.S. water authority for aeriation control optimization serves as an example of the beneficial ...

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Water & Wastewater Treatment
A Refreshed Approach to Positive and Negative Culture Controls

*Sponsored Content* Positive and negative culture controls are an essential but seldom discussed aspect of an environmental laboratory’s quality system. There are ...

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Water & Wastewater Treatment
Why One of Colombia’s Largest Wastewater Plants Trusts Rubber Check Valves

*Sponsored Content* The paper highlights the significance of rubber duckbill check valves in safeguarding a prominent wastewater treatment facility in Colombia. The ...

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