WEF News
WEF News provides articles, videos, and other content from throughout the organization and across the water sector. The items below represent the full scope of the regulatory, organizational, membership, current events, and conference happenings at WEF.
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*Sponsored Content* As climate transition increases the impact on large-diameter water management systems, HDPE is emerging as the...

The WEFTEC Live team stopped by the Oldcastle Infrastructure booth to chat with Nick Garner, the Senior Product...

Click through the digital WEFTEC 2024 Conference Preview to learn more about the 2024 educational programming, see who...

AlexRenew announces completion of 3.5-km (2.2-mi) Waterfront Tunnel, centerpiece of long-term campaign to control CSOs...

A powerful new film exploring humanity’s profound relationship with water launches on Earth Day, 22 April, 2024, in...

DC Water completes Northeast Boundary Tunnel ahead of schedule after 5 years of construction....

The 2023 WEF Community Service Project, titled, “Today’s Water Students, Tomorrow’s Water Leaders,” transformed drainage and flooding issues...

Sponsored WEFTEC Product Launch presentations and Q&A sessions bring a new level of detail and technical specifications to...

Drones take flight in the WEFTEC Exhibition. This year’s WEFTEC® exhibition will be literally buzzing with excitement....

Sponsored WEFTEC Product Launch presentations and Q&A sessions bring a new level of detail and technical specifications to...

See a fantastic lineup of speakers, events, and networking sessions in the Innovation Showcase & Theater and the...

Massive storage tunnel beneath Seattle promises to keep up to 30 million gal of stormwater and wastewater out...