WEF News
WEF News provides articles, videos, and other content from throughout the organization and across the water sector. The items below represent the full scope of the regulatory, organizational, membership, current events, and conference happenings at WEF.
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This year’s WEFTEC, the Water Environment Federation's Technical Exhibition and Conference, lived up to its reputation as the...

WEFTEC® Live connects attendees with water expertise — in real-time and on demand WEFTEC Live is...

When it comes to Operations Challenge — the water sector’s premier annual skills competition — there is no...

WEFTEC was proud to be back in New Orleans with its distinctive topography and unique water challenges. ...

Operations Challenge builds great leaders. Not only is it a friendly competition, but is one of the most...

Unrivaled skill, exceptional professionalism, and limitless energy were on display during Operations Challenge 2021, considered the wastewater operations...
A preliminary class action lawsuit settlement between the Charleston Water System (Charleston, South Carolina) and wipes manufacturer Kimberly-Clark...

We are excited to see you at WEFTEC 2021 this fall from October 16 through 20 in Chicago!...

With more than 500 presentations on WEFTEC Connect, BlueTech Research does the hard work for you! Review their...

Operators always hold down the frontlines of the water sector, going above and beyond to get the job...
In December, we turned on a new website portal that collects most all WEF news content in a...

Jake Burwell, a member of the TRA CReWSers from the Water Environment Association of Texas, came to the...