WEF News
WEF News provides articles, videos, and other content from throughout the organization and across the water sector. The items below represent the full scope of the regulatory, organizational, membership, current events, and conference happenings at WEF.
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Click through the digital WEFTEC 2024 Conference Preview to learn more about the 2024 educational programming, see who...

On Saturday, October 16, the WEF Students and Young Professionals Committee organized and completed the 13th Annual WEFTEC...

The Global Center offers a space for learning about global water issues offering two days of programming including...

We are excited to see you at WEFTEC 2021 this fall from October 16 through 20 in Chicago!...

Since 2008, the WEF Community Service Project has made a significant impact on several WEFTEC host cities, creating...

Special from The Stormwater Report Recognizing extraordinary efforts to protect local health and safety, detect and eliminate...

Earlier this month, the judges of the 2020 WEF Student Design Competition chose winners in two categories from...

The Water Environment Federation is truly a global organization, with members in 78 countries, Member Associations and Corresponding...

New details are emerging about the 2020 WEF Student Design Competition (SDC), which will be the first virtual...

The Words On Water podacst features conversations with people who work on water issues and discussions about the...

As WEF's membership news source, WEF Highlights covers current Federation activities, Member Association news, and items of concern...

One Chicago public school will be getting a new garden and a new outlook on water this fall....