WEF News
WEF News provides articles, videos, and other content from throughout the organization and across the water sector. The items below represent the full scope of the regulatory, organizational, membership, current events, and conference happenings at WEF.
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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today issued new, more rigorous drinking water health advisories for per- and...

Water Environment Federation (WEF) experts have reacted swiftly to concerns about monkeypox and compiled critical information for water...

By bringing huge amounts of sand from deeper waters to the shoreline, new research suggests extreme storms could...

Recent studies promise more reliable forecasting for desert monsoons and mountainside flood hazards. Stormwater, Climate Change, Water...

More than 3 million handwritten, historical measurements of U.K. rainfall have entered official meteorological records thanks to a...

The technical programming for WEFTEC 2022 is coming together quickly. While some of the details and full...

High-tech, low-cost stormwater sensor earns recognition for accessibility and ease of use....

Janine Burke-Wells, Ryan Batjiaka, PFAS, biosolids, WE&T Janine Burke-Wells and Ryan Batjiaka survey the effects of PFAS...

Now is the time to submit your ideas to share your knowledge and perspectives in the WEFTEC Innovation...

The application period is open for the Utility of the Future Today recognition program, which seeks to honor...

March 22nd marks World Water Day and the Water Environment Federation (WEF), a UN-Water Partner is committed to...

Dr. Edwin Oh is an Associate Professor in the UNLV School of Medicine and the Nevada Institute of...