WEF News
WEF News provides articles, videos, and other content from throughout the organization and across the water sector. The items below represent the full scope of the regulatory, organizational, membership, current events, and conference happenings at WEF.
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Recent studies promise more reliable forecasting for desert monsoons and mountainside flood hazards. Stormwater, Climate Change, Water...

WEFTEC always seeks to build in as many sustainable practices and choices as possible into planning our event....

🎧 In this episode of Words of Water episode #217, Jane Madden, Senior Vice President of CDM Smith,...

U.S. EPA recognizes this year’s winners in annual green infrastructure competition for university students....

The Water Environment Federation (WEF) is recognizing 15 utilities for significantly reducing nutrient pollution, one of the leading...

While many states are looking at ways to manage PFAS while awaiting a risk assessment from the U.S....

Todd Williams from Jacobs Engineering at provided this presentation via WEFTEC Online in 2021. With limited research available...

🎧 Anna Mehrotra, Director of the Wastewater Surveillance Program at WEF, and Carley Truyens in this episode...

🎧 Andy Kricun is Managing Director at Moonshot Missions and a Senior Fellow at the U.S. Water Alliance....

More than 3 million handwritten, historical measurements of U.K. rainfall have entered official meteorological records thanks to a...

The technical programming for WEFTEC 2022 is coming together quickly. While some of the details and full...

WaSH, UN, SDG6, Sierra Leone, Dube This Viewpoint column from WEF's Patrick Dube describes how changing a...