WEF News
WEF News provides articles, videos, and other content from throughout the organization and across the water sector. The items below represent the full scope of the regulatory, organizational, membership, current events, and conference happenings at WEF.
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ALEXANDRIA, Va. – A new feature-length documentary film titled Brave Blue World premiered in Los Angeles on December...

Words on Water • Episode No. 114 Valerie Lucas is the Executive Director of the Clean Water Professionals...

A personal welcome from 2018–2019 WEF President Tom Kunetz. From its very beginnings, my home city...

The Water Environment Federation is pleased to offer a self-reported certificate and ribbon to WEFTEC attendees who attend...

Water professionals can attract support, funding, and engagement by understanding how to use public communications strategically. WEFTEC 2019...

The Words On Water podacst features conversations with people who work on water issues and discussions about the...

As WEF's membership news source, WEF Highlights covers current Federation activities, Member Association news, and items of concern...

Reach and engage water quality professionals daily with WEF Smartbrief. WEF SmartBrief is a free, daily, subscription-only...

The WEFTEC Field Guide provides some of the day's new, lesser known, or otherwise noteworthy events. Check out...

The WEFTEC Field Guide provides some of the day's new, lesser known, or otherwise noteworthy events. Check out...
May 14, 2018 - It’s Infrastructure Week, and WEF’s Travis Loop blogs about public support for the transformation...