WEF News
WEF News provides articles, videos, and other content from throughout the organization and across the water sector. The items below represent the full scope of the regulatory, organizational, membership, current events, and conference happenings at WEF.
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Janine Burke-Wells, Ryan Batjiaka, PFAS, biosolids, WE&T Janine Burke-Wells and Ryan Batjiaka survey the effects of PFAS...

Operator Essentials, Jeanette Klamm, biosolids, land application In this installment of Operator Essentials, author Jeanette Klamm breaks...

biosolids, energy, disposal, regulatory compliance, Stan Chilson, Charles Winslow, Jeremy Kraemer, Ian Piro, Joseph Regnery, Valentino Villa, Andrew...

water extractable phosphorus, WEP, biosolids, Alexander A new testing method and labeling guidelines have been approved to...

During WEFTEC 2021, Christopher Komline, Vice President of Komline-Sanderson, visited the WEFTEC Live Studio to discuss all things...

Peter Grevatt, Water Research Foundation CEO, shared his organization’s recent work and its importance and talked about its...

Vincent Caillaud, Chief Executive Officer of Veolia Water Technologies, and Mike Gutshall, General Manager of Veolia Water Technologies...

On Tuesday, October 19, we will honor all this year’s award recipients at the WEF Awards and Presidential...

This year the WEFTEC Bookstore will host two authors to sign copies of their books. Visitors also can...

Each year WEFTEC attracts the leading experts from throughout the water sector on every topic imaginable. And that...

Since 2012, the Water Environment Federation (WEF; Alexandria, Virginia) has partnered with BlueTech Research (Cork, Ireland) and Imagine...

WEFTEC 2021 will host the ninth annual Operator Ingenuity Contest awards ceremony on Wednesday, October 20. The previous...