WEF News
WEF News provides articles, videos, and other content from throughout the organization and across the water sector. The items below represent the full scope of the regulatory, organizational, membership, current events, and conference happenings at WEF.
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Earlier this month, the judges of the 2020 WEF Student Design Competition chose winners in two categories from...

With more than 500 presentations on WEFTEC Connect, BlueTech Research does the hard work for you! Review their...

WEFTEC’s Innovation Showcase has become known as a “one-stop-shop” to learn about the water sector's latest technologies, trends,...

A past, present, and future look at the stormwater quality modeling industry, this special publication presents state-of-the-art stormwater...

The Ask the Experts Session, “Planning Approaches to Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure for Small Communities — One Chance...

Sign up for the Water For People World Water Classic 6/60k challenge to keep yourself active and help...

Special from "The Stormwater Report" Developed by experts in the field, these presentations and events will provide...

Look inside this preview publication to learn more about the WEFTEC Connect educational programming, Exhibitor Showcase, and networking...

The WEF Stormwater Institute (SWI) is updating its Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) survey. Consisting of 26...
For the past nine years, both the Innovation and Stormwater Pavilions have been the go-to destinations for the...
In 2019, we volunteered to be co-chairs of the steering committee for the National Stormwater Symposium and we...

Daniel Simmons, Assistant Secretary for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), visited the WEFTEC Now...