WEF News
WEF News provides articles, videos, and other content from throughout the organization and across the water sector. The items below represent the full scope of the regulatory, organizational, membership, current events, and conference happenings at WEF.
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The Water Environment Federation is proud to announce two recipients of the 2020 Innovative Technology Awards. This competition...

With more than 500 presentations on WEFTEC Connect, BlueTech Research does the hard work for you! Review their...

Look inside this preview publication to learn more about the WEFTEC Connect educational programming, Exhibitor Showcase, and networking...
Three water sector executives weighed on how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting operations, business, and people during the...
The Water Environment Federation has published the first of a series of video roundtable discussions with executive leaders...

Help us educate WEFTEC participants while gaining additional exposure for your company by presenting as part of the...

With next-generation technology appearing in more and more parts of water resource recovery facilities, a new partnership in...

Rob Montenegro, Executive Vice President of Grundfos Pumps Corporation, visited the WEFTEC Now Studio to discuss intelligent pumps...

*Sponsored Content* Aurora Motors, based in Silicon Valley, is expanding to become a global manufacturing leader of vertical...

As elite teams of water professionals wrap up their final practice sessions before convening at WEFTEC 2019 for...

The Words On Water podacst features conversations with people who work on water issues and discussions about the...

As WEF's membership news source, WEF Highlights covers current Federation activities, Member Association news, and items of concern...