WEF News
WEF News provides articles, videos, and other content from throughout the organization and across the water sector. The items below represent the full scope of the regulatory, organizational, membership, current events, and conference happenings at WEF.
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In 1987, WEF’s Task Force on Wastewater Biology met to discuss how to roll out a new manual,...

On Sunday, October 9, the WEF Students and Young Professionals Committee welcomed 25 teams from 21 schools spanning...

Produced by WEF and ASCE, new guidebook covers best practices for managing and maintaining stormwater infrastructure...

In April, we asked you what you are most looking forward to at WEFTEC 2022. Nearly half of...

Water Environment Federation (WEF) experts have reacted swiftly to concerns about monkeypox and compiled critical information for water...

🎧 Andy Kricun is Managing Director at Moonshot Missions and a Senior Fellow at the U.S. Water Alliance....

The technical programming for WEFTEC 2022 is coming together quickly. While some of the details and full...

Operator Essentials, Jeanette Klamm, biosolids, land application In this installment of Operator Essentials, author Jeanette Klamm breaks...

March 22nd marks World Water Day and the Water Environment Federation (WEF), a UN-Water Partner is committed to...

Dr. Edwin Oh is an Associate Professor in the UNLV School of Medicine and the Nevada Institute of...

The technical program for Stormwater Summit 2022, taking place June 27-29 in Minneapolis, is now available....

Operations Challenge builds great leaders. Not only is it a friendly competition, but is one of the most...