WEF News
WEF News provides articles, videos, and other content from throughout the organization and across the water sector. The items below represent the full scope of the regulatory, organizational, membership, current events, and conference happenings at WEF.
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During the WEF Winter Meeting in February, the WEFTEC Program Committee made great progress on the educational programming...

Now that my copy of the 24th Edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater...

The Water Environment Federation (WEF) announces the Intelligent Water Systems Challenge is set to once again challenge participants...

WEFTEC was proud to be back in New Orleans with its distinctive topography and unique water challenges. ...

PFAS is a major challenge for drinking water and wastewater systems. Listen in as Viraj deSilva discusses the...

Project completed at South Chicago’s Coles School boosts runoff retention capacity by nearly 2.1 million L (570,000 gal)....

Researchers in Germany use seismometers to provide earlier flood warnings in Europe’s increasingly flood-prone river valleys...

On Sunday, October 9, the WEF Students and Young Professionals Committee welcomed 25 teams from 21 schools spanning...

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation taps public to design better precipitation measurement tools for remote areas...

Every year, on the Saturday before WEFTEC, volunteers gather for the WEF Community Service Project. Help us continue...

Innovation in air flotation leads to solid alternative to a legacy process (Originally published in the June...

WEFTEC always seeks to build in as many sustainable practices and choices as possible into planning our event....