WEF News
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New investments enable New York City’s Cloudburst and FloodNet programs to expand citywide...

Root systems growing progressively shallower beneath one of Chesapeake Bay’s most common wetland plants...

Researchers study complex reasons behind long-term shifts in seasonality and severity of Las Vegas-area flooding...

Los Angeles is among several U.S. cities embracing green infrastructure to enhance the value and functionality of inner-city...

Federal government earmarks $3 million to extend the reach of leading stormwater infrastructure researchers....

High-tech mapping effort provides inch-by-inch detail of more than 350,000 parcels in Duval County, Florida....

WEFTEC was proud to be back in New Orleans with its distinctive topography and unique water challenges. ...

Research centers focused on stormwater infrastructure will be established through federal funding after extensive support from the Water...

A new analysis of implementation plans in 20 U.S. cities highlights missed potential in using green infrastructure to...

The three-year Surface Water and Ocean Topography mission was co-launched by the U.S. and French space agencies in...

Announced during a United Nations convention on climate change in November, two recent White House-authored reports detail new...