Recognizes individuals for outstanding performance, professionalism and contributions to the water quality analysis profession. The award is presented by a WEF representative at the WEF Member Association annual meeting.


i. Member of the Water Environment Federation.
ii. Candidate must be employed at an educational facility laboratory, industrial, commercial, or municipal laboratory which performs wastewater-related analysis, and must have direct analytical responsibilities.
iii. Candidates are eligible for this award only once.
iv. Qualifying criteria may include:
     a. Membership and involvement in professional associations. Examples: Water Environment Federation Committees, Standard Methods Joint Task Groups, MA committees and conferences and conference activities.
     b. Outstanding efforts in the area of wastewater and environmental aquatic analyses, including such items as innovative sampling techniques or solutions to a treatment, analytical or environmental problem.
c. Involvement in community activities or public relations.
d. Presentations at professional conferences, meetings, etc. relevant to water quality analysis.
e. Professional certifications.
f. Continuing education.
g. Contributions that have been beneficial to the nominees facility.
h. Unusual initiative or performance "beyond the call of duty".

How To Submit A Nomination To Your Member Association

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for the Laboratory Award, please click the link below to access the Nomination Form:

MA Nomination Form

Mail or e-mail this form and all attachments to your Member Association's Awards Program Manager.

Click here to find your MA's contact information.

Please contact Rebecca Culhane ( if you have any questions.

MA Awards Order Form

A MA Board, Awards Chair or MA Staff must
submit the order form to:

WEF Staff Rebecca Culhane at


Nomination deadline
WEF must receive the MA Awards Order Form a minimum of 8 weeks prior to the start date of a MA Conference.