The 2025 WEF Award application period is now OPEN!

wef awards.jpgThe WEF Fellows Nomination window opens on Dec. 1, 2024, and closes on
Feb. 28, 2025 (11:59pm ET). 

All other WEF Award applications open on Jan. 15, 2025, and will close on
March 31, 2025 (11:59pm ET). 

You can browse the award categories and specific awards below.

Need more information on an award before beginning the application? Click on an award's name to see all the details on it, including the details submission criteria.

Education Awards

Project Awards

Service Awards

Published Paper Awards

Education Awards

Fair Distinguished Engineering Educator Medal
Recognizing accomplishments in research and the education and development of future engineers, this medal honors Gordon Maskew Fair, a professor of sanitary engineering at Harvard University, who achieved exceptional results in preparing students for the water environment profession.

Apply for the Fair Award

Media & Public Education Medal
Recognizes accomplishments of the media, journalists and others whose profession is outside the water environment profession field. This medal is in memory of Harry E. Schlenz, who served as Federation President in 1961-1962.

Apply for the Media Public Education Award

WEF Operator Scholarship Option 2.pngOperator Scholarship
The purpose is to provide funding for individuals who are seeking water sector operator education, training, or certification to enter the industry or to advance their knowledge, skills, abilities, or license.

Apply for the Operator Scholarship

Public Communication & Outreach Program
The WEF Public Communication & Outreach Program Awards recognize WEF members for significant accomplishments in promoting public awareness and the understanding of water environment issues through the development and implementation of outreach, education and/or communication programs. WEF Member Associations, individual WEF members, and other (non-WEF/MA) organizations, including groups, events and campaigns, are eligible for this award.

APPLY for the
Public Communication &
Outreach Program

WEF Canham Graduate Studies Scholarship
This scholarship provides $25,000 for a post-baccalaureate student in the water environment field. The scholarship is for education-related expenses.

APPLY for the Canham Scholarship

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Project Awards

Industrial Water Quality Achievement
The Industrial Water Quality Achievement Award is presented to a corporation and, if applicable, to its engineering firm that best demonstrates significant, lasting, and measurable excellence in water quality improvement or in the prevention of water quality degradation as demonstrated by innovative design and operation of an industrial wastewater, pretreatment or source prevention program.

APPLY for the Industrial
Water Quality
Achievement Award

Innovative Technology
Recognizes WEF Exhibitor Members who have introduced new innovative products or services related to our industry.

APPLY for the
Innovative Technology Award

Member Association Excellence
The Member Association Awards are established to recognize outstanding Member Associations and Member Associations that excel in areas of membership retention, financial strength, new memberships, scholarship programs, student achievement and support, technology transfers, and/or award programs.

APPLY for a
Member Association
Excellence Award

Morgan Operational Solutions Award
This award honors Philip F. Morgan, who served with distinction as professor of sanitary engineering at the State University of Iowa from 1948-1961. A respected practical researcher, he maintained a strong interest in plant operation. This award recognizes valuable contributions to the in-facility study and solution of operational problems.

APPLY for The
Morgan Operational
Solutions Award

Water Quality Improvement
The Water Quality Improvement Award is presented annually to the water quality improvement program that best demonstrates significant, lasting, and measurable excellence in water quality improvement or in the prevention of water quality degradation in a region, basin, or water body.

APPLY for the
Water Quality Improvement Award

WEF Project Excellence
WEF's annual Project Excellence Award pays tribute to excellence and innovation in the execution of projects and programs in the water sector.

APPLY for the WEF
Project Excellence Award

Top | Education | Project | Service

Service and Contribution Awards

WEF Fellows Program card.pngWEF Fellows
The WEF Fellows Program recognizes the 20+ years of professional achievements, stature, and contributions of WEF members to the preservation and enhancement of the global water environment in the practice areas served by WEF.

APPLY to be a
WEF Fellow

Camp Applied Research
Recognizes a WEF member who demonstrates a unique application of basic research or fundamental principles through the design or development of a wastewater collection or treatment system.


Collection Systems Award
The Collection System Award is presented to an individual for contributions to the advancement of the state-of-the-art wastewater collection.

APPLY for the
Collection Systems Award

Emerson Distinguished Service Medal
This award commemorates the service of the first president of the Federation, Charles Alvin Emerson, who served from 1928 to 1941, and was its first honorary member. This award is presented to an individual member of the Water Environment Federation whose significant career contributions to the Federation and the water environment profession merit recognition.

APPLY for the Emerson Medal

Engelbrecht International Service Award
The Engelbrecht International Service Award was named in memory of Richard S. Engelbrecht, who served as Federation President in 1977-78. This award recognizes sustained and significant contributions to the furtherance and improvement of the international activities of the Water Environment Federation.

APPLY for the
Engelbrecht Award

MARC Individual Distinguished Service Award
In its inaugural year, the new MARC (Manufacturers and Representative Community) Individual Distinguished Service Award is administered and intended to annually recognize an individual member of a manufacturer, a manufacturer’s representative, service provider, or representative firm who supports WEF members, WEF Member Associations (MA), and the water industry’s technological advancements.


Outstanding Young Water Environment Professional
Presented for significant contributions to the Water Environment Federation and to the wastewater collection and treatment industry. 

APPLY for the
Outstanding YP Award

Public Officials
The Public Officials Award is presented to an elected or appointed public official that has made a documented, significant contribution in the areas of clean water legislation, public policy, government service, or another area of public prominence that resulted in improvements to the water environment. The award can be presented for public service at the local, state, provincial or national level.

APPLY for the
Public Officials Award

Ralph Fuhrman Medal for Outstanding Water Quality Academic-Practice Collaboration

This award commemorates the service of Water Environment Federation Past-President Dr. Ralph E. Fuhrman, who was a master of collaboration among the academicians and practitioners. The Medal promotes and rewards extraordinary collaborative work by two or more people.

APPLY for the Fuhrman Medal

Schroepfer Innovative Facility Design
The Schroepfer Medal recognizes excellence in conceiving and directing the design of a project to achieve substantial cost savings or economic benefit, while achieving environmental objectives. The medal is in honor of George J. Schroepfer, WEF's third President, and an educator who stressed the economics in design of wastewater facilities. This award is presented to an engineering consultant, municipal engineer, or industrial engineer who is a professional engineer in responsible charge of the design of facilities for the conveyance, treatment or disposal of wastewater and/or treatment residues.

APPLY for the
Schroepfer Medal

Water Heroes 
The purpose of the Water Heroes program is to recognize individuals or municipalities who performed duties above and beyond the usual call of duty during an emergency situation to continue to protect the public and the environment. These duties shall elevate the status of the water sector industry.

APPLY for the
Water Heroes Award

WEF Mentorship Award
The purpose of the award is to acknowledge those WEF members who have had a significant impact on the professional and personal development of one or more water quality professionals, including providing personal, social, and intellectual support.

APPLY for the
WEF Mentorship Award

WEF Safety
The purpose of this award is to encourage active and effective safety programs in the water environment field and to recognize entities that not only invest their resources to develop high-quality safety programs and adopt them within their own culture but also actively seek out opportunities to share these programs with others in the water industry for the benefit of all.

APPLY for the
WEF Safety Award

W. Wesley Eckenfelder Industrial Water Quality Lifetime Achievement

The W. Wesley Eckenfelder Industrial Water Quality Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes and honors an individual who has made substantial and measurable engineering, scientific, and/or operations contributions to the management or treatment of industrial wastes related to the improvement of water quality.

APPLY for the
Eckenfelder Awards

Top | Education | Project | Service

Published Paper Awards

Eddy Wastewater Principles/Processes Medal
The Eddy Medal honors Harrison Prescott Eddy, a prominent engineer and a pioneer in the field of wastewater treatment. The medal is awarded for research that makes a vital contribution to the existing knowledge of the fundamental principles or process of wastewater treatment, as comprehensively described and published in a federation periodical.

learn about the eddy medal

Gascoigne Wastewater Treatment Plant Operational Improvement Medal
The Gascoigne Medal was established in recognition of George Bradley Gascoigne, a prominent consultant who exhibited a great deal of interest in the operation of wastewater treatment plants. The medal is awarded to the author(s) of an article which presents the solution of an important and complicated operational problem within a full-scale, operating wastewater treatment plant which is appropriately staffed.

learn about the gascoigne medal

McKee Groundwater Protection, Restoration, or Sustainable Use Award
Recognizes significant contributions to groundwater science or engineering research published in a WEF or WEF Member Association periodical. In honor of Dr. Jack McKee, the 1962-63 president of the Water Environment Federation, a founder of the consulting firm of Camp, Dresser and McKee, Inc., and a long-time professor at the California Institute of Technology.

learn about the mckee award

Rudolfs Industrial Waste Management Medal
The Rudolfs Medal was established in 1949 and is named after Willem Rudolfs, an active WEF member and primary force in industrial waste research. This award recognizes noteworthy accomplishments in any aspect of industrial waste management research published in WEF Conference Proceedings or a Federation periodical.

learn about the rudolfs medal


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