The purpose of WEF’s Industrial Water Community (IWC) is to be a resource on industrial wastewater treatment, design, management, operation, and maintenance, as well as the promotion and improvement of industrial treatment technologies.
The IWC was established in 1943; revised in October 1994; revised in 1998, merged with the Hazardous Wastes community, and became Industrial Wastes in September 2002; changed its name to Industrial Wastewater in January 2010; and changed its name to Industrial Water in 2022.
The community is involved in a number of activities to improve the technology of industrial water and wastewater treatment, recycling, and reuse. The community meets in person twice a year, once at the WEF Mid-year meeting and at WEFTEC in October, in addition to having bi-monthly conference calls to continue progress throughout the year. The community provides technical information exchange; professional networking opportunities; communication of regulations, and policy and guidance. Programs addressing industrial water, wastewater, and hazardous wastes treatment, disposal, prevention, remediation, reuse, and minimization are developed by the community.
The community's overall charge includes the following:
Abigail Antolovich, 2024 - 2026
Tel: (303)598-7743
William Bratt, 2024 - 2026
2nd Vice Chair
Dave Riedel, 2024-2026
Past Chair
Brian Arntsen, 2024 - 2026
Tel: 905-465-3030, ext. 3060
Staff Manager
Lisa McFadden
Tel: 703-684-2400 x7060
The IWC has several focus groups (both organizational and technical) that community members can participate in. These focus groups help the IWC run, as well as produce products to get the word out about what's happening and being talked about in the industrial wastewater realm.
WEF members can join almost all communities using our Community Platform.
This virtual workspace, called WEFUnity, empowers WEF members to network and collaborate in an online environment.
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WEF is a source of high-quality technical resources featuring the latest research, news, and education. WEF's members and other credible resources have created and compiled this information into the Practice Area groupings listed in the dropdown menu.
Test your knowledge of wastewater and laboratory with a 10-question, multiple-choice quiz. Quizzes incorporate math, safety, and various other topics to help you test, maintain, and advance your wastewater knowledge.