The National Biosolids Partnership

The National Biosolids Partnership (NBP) advances environmentally sound biosolids management practices, serves as the information clearinghouse on effective biosolids practices, as well as technical assistance, and offers an EMS-based certification program that requires participating organizations to go beyond regulatory requirements.

Recognized Agencies

Biosolids Management Program

The National Biosolids Partnership (NBP) provides training and support to help biosolids management organizations ensure that their programs are environmentally sound and protective of public health.

The NBP Biosolids Management Program (BMP) is based on internationally recognized standards for an Environmental Management System/International Organization of Standardization (ISO 14001). With guidance from biosolids professionals, experts, and leading biosolids management organizations, the NBP has created a management program tailored to the priorities and needs of the wastewater profession. It serves as a model for continuous improvement in the areas of environmental performance, regulatory compliance, quality management practices, and relations with interested parties and other stakeholders.  

Organizations that have chosen to become certified by the NBP collectively manage more than 12 percent of the biosolids in the United States. These organizations have documented significant benefits in using the program's tools to reduce operating costs and achieve greater efficiencies while protecting public health and managing residuals in an environmentally beneficial and cost-effective manner. NBP organizations focus on consistently producing a high-quality biosolids product for intended markets/end use options and promoting resource recovery while achieving and maintaining public and regulatory trust and acceptance.

The NBP encourages all biosolids management organizations — small, medium, and large — and whatever biosolids treatment and management option is used to participate in the program. Organizations have the option either to develop an audit-ready program or to pursue certification. 

Interested in participating in the Biosolids Management Program?
Email your interest here!

NBP Certification Resources

Other Resources

Audit Resources  

Biosolids Management Program Templates, Examples and Revisable Model

The NBP has new resources available for organizations to help make biosolids management systems easier, faster, and cheaper to create and use. All the new resource documents are designed to be used as a set along with other BMP guidance documents.  

The resources include several parts:

  • Revisable Model.  The biosolids EMS model is essentially a generic EMS with sections left blank for agencies to fill in with their own specific details. It is available as a Word document, so it can be revised by agencies. Most of the text is already written - all you have to do is fill in the blanks with information specific to your agency.
  • Example. This is a PDF, and provides a completed version of the model, so agencies can have an idea of the level of detail and type of information needed.
  • Instructions.  This document is also a PDF. The instructions provide a description and summary of key factors to be considered when completing the Model.

NBP Certified and Recognized Organizations


  • Continually demonstrating the highest level of commitment to excellence in Biosolids Management;
  • Operating in accordance with National Biosolids Partnership standards; and
  • Annual audits – self-assessments and at least 3 independent, third-party audits every 5 years

Organizations with an active certification from the NBP for an EMS-based Biosolids Management Program are listed below. The NBP congratulates these leaders in biosolids management!

Past Participants

These organizations were previously NBP Certified at any level.

  • DC Water, Washington, DC
  • Metropolitan Water Reclamation of Greater Chicago, Chicago, IL
  • Raleigh (City of), Raleigh, NC
  • Santa Rosa (City of), Santa Rosa, CA
  • Littleton/Englewood WTP, Englewood, CO
  • Orange County, Orlando, FL
  • Los Angeles (City of)
  • Encina Wastewater Authority, Carlsbad, CA
  • Orange County Sanitation District, Fountain Valley, CA
  • Alexandria Renew, Alexandria, VA
  • Atlantic County Utilities Authority, Pleasantville, NJ
  • East Bay MUD, Oakland CA
  • Synagro South Kern Compost Manufacturing, Facility, CA
  • Casella Organics Hawk Ridge Composting Facility, ME
  • Greater Moncton Sewerage Commission, CN
  • Kern County, DE
  • Lawrence City, KS
  • Lewiston Auburn Water Pollution Control Authority, ME
  • Metro Wastewater Reclamation District, CO
  • Residuals Management Facility, New Hampton, NH
  • Trinity River Authority, TX
  • Wyoming (City of), MI
  • Waco Metro Area Regional Sewerage System, Waco, TX
  • Chattanooga (City of), Chattanooga, TN
  • Moorhead (City of), Moorhead, MN
  • Bowling Green Municipal Utilities, KY
  • Harford County Department of Public Works, Bel Air, MD
  • Houston (City of) Sims Bayou Treatment Facility, TX
  • Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility, NY
  • Manatee County Utilities Department, FL
  • Metro Vancouver, Burnaby BC, CN
  • Springfield (City of), MO
  • Upper Montgomery Joint Authority, Pennsburg, PA
  • Village of Algonquin, IL

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Biosolids Resource Recovery

Through biosolids management, solid residue from wastewater treatment is processed to reduce or eliminate pathogens and minimize odors, forming a safe, beneficial agricultural product. Biosolids are carefully monitored and must be used in accordance with regulatory requirements.

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Water & Wastewater Treatment

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