Q: The professor I had in mind for recommendation is also recommending another applicant, can they still recommend me?
A: Yes, in fact, we encourage everyone to have the same professor recommend all scholars. This way we can work with one person from each university/college as opposed to many.

Q: I am or will be a PhD student in Fall 2025, am I eligible?
A: No, only students who are undergraduate (3rd year and beyond) and 1st/2nd year Master’s graduate level students in the Fall 2025 are eligible.

Q: When will I be notified whether or not I am selected for a Scholarship?
A: Applications close on February 27, 2024 and then we open a review process.  We will notify you in early April about the decision.

Q: I cannot attend all the virtual sessions, can I still apply?
A: Yes, excused absences include school or job work with proof, and make up work would need to be completed.

Q: What majors are accepted?
A: Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) majors

Q: Can I bring a guest with me to the conference?
A: Scholarship is only to chosen recipients. WEF will not cover any registration, travel, or other conference-related expenses incurred by guests. Non-scholars are not allowed to stay at the hotel accommodations that WEF covers. If they can cover the costs and find things to do when you are busy with the mandatory engagements, then they can come. It is not recommended, however.

Q: If I am local to the conference, what will WEF cover?
A: Your hotel and a stipend will be covered no matter what. We can discuss transport on a case by case basis depending on how close you are.

Q: How can I book my airfare?
A: WEF InFLOW staff will give specific instructions regarding booking a flight with WEF’s travel agent. Although we make every effort to accommodate preferences, WEF retains the authority to reject arrangements that do not conform to established parameters.

All flights will be a round-trip economy class and will include 1 carry-on bag and a personal item.

Q: When will I be notified about the hotel accommodations?
A: Roommate selections will be announced after all scholars complete their acceptance forms. Hotel assignments will be announced one to three weeks prior to the conference.

Q: How will I get around while at the conference?
A: Your hotel assignment will be either within walking distance to the conference site or have a complimentary scheduled shuttle to the conference site. Rides to/from the airport will be covered via the pre-paid stipend.

Q: What if I need to adjust my travel dates?
A: Shortening the trip is not allowed per eligibility requirements as scholars must attend the entire conference. Should you choose to extend your stay, all costs incurred will not be covered by WEF and arrangements must be made on your own. If you know in advance you want to come earlier or leave later, please confirm with InFLOW staff BEFORE you book your flight. It can be included in that process as long as there is not a major price difference.

Q: How will my roommate be selected?
A: WEF InFLOW scholars will pair scholars based on similarities of age and gender. To help expand networking, the InFLOW team will pair scholars from different universities.

Q: What can the stipend be used for?
A: The prepaid stipend is intended to cover various expenses that may arise during the trip, such as ground transportation, meals, extra baggage fees, and more. Since the stipend is provided in advance, there is no need to submit receipts for reimbursement. Participation in events is required to obtain daily allowance.

Q: What can lead to the forfeiture of the scholarship award?
A: If you do not accept the InFLOW scholar award within ten (10) business days (Monday-Friday, excluding holidays) of notification or are unable to attend the conference for its entire duration, as specified in the application, you may forfeit the award, and an alternative successful candidate may be chosen.

Q: I have my own funding or my school will pay to cover me, can I be an additional InFLOW scholar?
A: At this point in time, no. The scholarship is to cover the costs. You are most welcome to still attend WEFTEC, but you will not be allowed to join the InFLOW exclusive events or join the virtual online.

Q: Can I bring a carry-on and/or checked luggage?
A: A carry on is included in your booking, and it is usually around $30 to add a checked bag. It is completely up to you what you want to do. Please check your airline’s guidelines on what can be brought as a carry on, as there are usually size and weight limits. The stipend is meant to help cover the checked bag fee if you need it.

Q What airports can I fly out of and into?
A: In Chicago there are two major airports, and you can fly into either ORD or MDW. In New Orleans, you will fly into MSY. We budget your flight out of the major airport near your university. If you prefer to fly out of a smaller airport, please check with InFLOW staff before booking.

Q: How can I submit a special accommodation request for airfare and hotel?
A: Please email with any special accommodation requests. This can include, but is not limited to, dietary restrictions, mobility help, hearing accommodations, etc.

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