
Q1: Who should apply?
All professionals in the water sector (drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater), such as utility staff, consulting engineers or service providers, regulators, academics, admin, or equipment manufacturers, are encouraged to apply. The Water Leadership Institute is a program for emerging leaders in the water sector, which may include young professionals, career changers, and veterans, for example. For seasoned utility management professionals looking to move to Executive Management Positions, please see the Water & Wastewater Leadership Center.

Q2: When is the application due?
The 2025 application period will open November 1st and closes January 16th at midnight.  Notifcations for WLI25 will go out in early March.

Q3: How should I best answer the questions on the application?
A: The steering committee is looking to get to know you.  The best applications are often personal, in first person, and give an insight into who you are as a person. Try to avoid just copy/pasting an office bio, and write like you would if you were telling someone outloud.

Q4: What if I'm just starting out and have no leadership experience yet?
A: That is not a problem!  Whether you were officially the leader or not, you've likely had some kind of leadership experience you can share.  This could be in your personal, academic, or professional life.  Let us know what you've done and what you're hoping to learn.

Q5: Do I have to be a member of the Water Environment Federation to apply and participate?
No, you do not have to be a WEF member to apply to the WLI, however the member tuition price is cheaper.

Q6: My employer has questions, what should I tell them?
A: The WLI Steering Committee has developed "The Employer's Guide to WLI" to help explain what your participation means.  Please feel free to download it and send it to your employer for approval.


Q1: Is there a fee for the program?
There is no fee to apply to the program.

If you are accepted, you or your organization will be invoiced for the program after you have confirmed your spot. 

Member Price: $1,235
Non-Member Price: $1,485

This fee includes a full conference registration to WEFTEC 2025 in Chicago (a $850 value), access to 6 live webcasts (a $240 value), and the two-day workshop in Alexandria (a $400 value).  In addition, it includes monthly group chats, homework assignments, and putting together the final project.  Program participants are responsible for all their own travel and hotel costs, as well as any fees for calling in from a phone.

Q2: When will I get the invoice? When do I need to pay?
A: You will receive an invoice shortly after you confirm your position in the Water Leadership Institute.  This is often early April.  

Once you recieve the invoice, you will have 30 days to pay.  If this timeline is not possible, you must make special arrangements with WEF.

Q3: Is there any funding assistance available?
In October 2017, the WEF Board created the George S. Hawkins Scholarship to the WEF Water Leadership Institute. The scholarship will be given annually to one participant in the Water Leadership Institute and highlights George’s commitment to developing future water sector leaders. This scholarship will cover the program’s full tuition.

The WEF Board has approved additional funds which will allow us to offer additional scholarships this year. These scholarships cover part or all of the tuition cost, and are need based. Funds will be allocated after the participants have been accepted to the program. The amount will be deducted from the tuition invoice. The total amount of funds available in 2025 is a max of 6 full scholarships. 

All scholarships should be applied for via the application to the WLI.

Program Information

Q1: How much of a time commitment is the program?
This course runs from April 2025 - October 2025.  There are six live webcasts throughout the months that last 1.5 hours.  In addition, there is a group chat for 45 minutes each month.  The in-person compontent consists of a 2.5 day workshop in Alexandria May 14-16 with an optional half day event on May 14, and a 1 full day workshop at WEFTEC 2025 in Chicago, Sept. 28.

In addition, you will have to complete a final group project with deliverables throughout the course.  Participants have often held weekly meetings for 30-60 mins.  In recent years, a portion of the final project work has continued after the official end of the program and resulted in articles in the WE&T as well as webcast series with live dates after WEFTEC.

Q2: Who will I be learning from?
The curriculum will be delivered by high caliber guest instructors from water and wastewater utilities and companies active in the sector. Guest lecturers from government agencies, communication firms and financial groups will also share their knowledge and experience.

Q3: What kind of equipment will I need to participate in the monthly web meetings?
The web-based meetings will be conducted using Teams and Zoom. You will need a computer with an internet connection for the web meetings. You will need computer speakers to use the Voice over IP audio function. You will also need internet access for readings viewing and online forum participation.

Q4: What is the goal of the Water Leadership Institute?
As the water sector faces challenges from aging infrastructure, climate change, financial constraints, and increased demands, professionals who can develop and implement solutions to these issues are needed. The Water Leadership Institute is designed to encourage networking, innovation, entrepreneurship, and professional commitment from those individuals who will be leading the water sector into the coming decades, to preserve and enhance water resources for our current generation, as well as future generations.

Q5: Who should I contact regarding the Water Leadership Institute?
Julianne Jones at WLI@wef.org


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WEF is a source of high-quality technical resources featuring the latest research, news, and education. WEF's members and other credible resources have created and compiled this information into the Practice Area groupings listed in the dropdown menu.

Industrial Water Resources

Industries treat and reuse wastewater and process water as well as provide environmentally sustainable wastewater treatment while reducing costs and maintaining value for their businesses.

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From hands-on-training and leadership opportunities, such as Operations Challenge, to online training, such as the Wastewater Treatment Fundamentals series, WEF provides operators with many opportunities to advance on-the-job knowledge and develop their careers.

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Utility Management

To respond to myriad daily challenges faced by water and wastewater utility leaders, WEF continuously works with its members and partners to develop a variety of management initiatives; resources; and educational, training, and networking opportunities.

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Biosolids Resource Recovery

Through biosolids management, solid residue from wastewater treatment is processed to reduce or eliminate pathogens and minimize odors, forming a safe, beneficial agricultural product. Biosolids are carefully monitored and must be used in accordance with regulatory requirements.

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Collection Systems and Conveyance

The system of underground pipes and maintenance structures that convey wastewater has brought dramatic improvements to public health. Most sewers carry wastes from households and commercial establishments and are referred to as sanitary sewers.

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Government & Regulatory Affairs

WEF advocacy activities aim to educate WEF members and the water sector on public policy issues related to water quality and resources and equip them to play a greater role in water policy discussions.

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Public Health

The water sector and its systems protect public and ecological health. Using the data that can be collected through smart water technologies provides additional insights to address complex public health issues.

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Stormwater & Watershed Management

Take a comprehensive look at how all water resources, including uplands, drainage basins, wetlands, stormwater, surface water, and groundwater interact.

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Water & Wastewater Treatment

More than 16,000 publicly owned water resource recovery facilities operate in the United States. Skilled engineers and operators work together to ensure new and updated facilities continue to protect public health and the environment.

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