The Municipal Resource Recovery Design Community (MRRDC) shall serve as the home of Federation members that share common technical interests in municipal wastewater treatment design and are drawn together to be the stewards of this knowledge area.
The community shall develop, recommend, support, and conduct programs of general and technical information relating to the advancement of municipal wastewater treatment design practices.
In so doing, this community will provide support and technical content to other Federation and/or Member Association Committees a) for the development of various technical publications, b) for the development and delivery of various Federation Technical programs such as specialty conferences and WEFTEC, and c) as requested, to advise the Board of Trustees, House of Delegates of Federation and/or Member Association Committees on municipal wastewater treatment design matters.
Tanja Rauch-Williams, 2024 - 2026
Tel: 720-670-0479
Past Chair
Mehran Andalib, 2024 - 2026
Tel: 508-246-8228
Fundamentals Outreach Focus Group (FOS)
To promote outreach related to resource recovery fundamentals across the industry.
Recent Past and On-going Activities
Planned Deliverables/Actions for 2018 - 2019
Leading Edge Outreach Focus Group (LEOS)
LEOS identifies and develops programming focused on the education of leading-edge practices in resource recovery design technologies; this programming involves facilitating the compilation and dissemination of technical information developed from within the activities of the MRRDC at large to the broader WEF membership in collaboration with WEF staff.
Past, Current, and Future Activities
Publications Focus Group
To coordinate the development and review of all designârelated technical publication materials through active involvement with WEF's Technical Practice Committee; the Chair serves as liaison to the TPC.
Program Symposia Focus Group
To arrange and manage the WEFTEC technical program; the Focus Group Chair serves on the WEF Program Committee
Workshops Focus Group
To review and sponsor pre-conference workshops for WEFTEC; the Focus Group Chair serves on the WEF Program Committee's Workshop Review Group
Nominating Focus Group
To assist the MRRDC in soliciting and supporting recommendations for various committee and sub-committee positions based on an individual’s qualifications and interests.
Knowledge management consists of multiple subcommittees the MRRDC identifies as “Work Groups. These Work Groups convert research and/or “knowledge practice gaps” into a peer-reviewed deliverables useful for practitioners. They are intended to have a “life span” that reflects the relevance to industry practices. They may be “sunsetted” when deliverables are completed and/or if it is determined that the primary drivers for the Work Group’s topics are deemed no longer of high priority in the advancement of the industry.
Water Reuse
To inform and provide deliverables to practitioners within the MRRDC Subcommittee and WEF members at large on different design or implementation strategies for water reuse from the perspective of the municipal sector.
Fact sheets, Review group for water reuse-related materials
Modeling Expert Group of the Americas (MEGA)
The primary goal of the work group is two-fold 1) expand the use of models for municipal and industrial process design and operation; and, 2) education and training. The scope of MEGA’s activities places it in a unique position. MEGA transcends the typical work group definition because modeling is now so prevalent in so many MRRDC activities.
WEF webcasts; OWWLs; biannual newsletters created in close coordination with MEGA YPs; workshops at WEFTEC and other conferences; coordination with many MRRDC work groups; mentoring MEGA YPs
To develop, recommend, support, and conduct programs of general and technical information relating to the advancement of municipal wastewater treatment modeling. The MEGA YP subcommittee was established in January 2016.
Networking and outreach; mentoring opportunities with experienced professionals, biannual newsletters; annual WEF webcast; planning and organizing WEFTEC technical sessions and workshops; and writing white papers, fact sheets and OWWLs
Biofilms Interest Group
The biofilm interest group is a working group within the MRRDC for members interested in biofilm reactor technologies. Its areas of focus include research, design, modeling, simulation, and cost estimation. Our goals are to disseminate fundamental knowledge and recent innovations concerning biofilm reactors to the WEF community.
Annual WEFTEC meetings including presentations on specific biofilm topics; WEF webcasts; workshops and sessions at WEFTEC and WRRmod
Models for Operations
To reduce obstacles hindering model application at wastewater utilities
Conferences submittals, such as for WEFTEC and WRRmod; WE&T articles and Operator Essential Columns; OWWLs related to modeling fundamentals
Preliminary Treatment
Relationship and Role of Deammonification
Resource Recovery
Instrumentation and Control
Energy & Carbon Recovery
Wet Weather Treatment
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