Policymakers and utilities acknowledge the economic, environmental, and social impacts caused by infrastructure projects to residents and ratepayers nationwide. Historically, infrastructure projects have divided communities and caused harm, coupled with impacts from legacy policies such as redlining, and lack of access in disadvantaged communities. According to the US Water Alliance, the water sector is making meaningful progress in addressing systemic and structural disparities that have existed for too long. Utilities are generating multi-benefit solutions through equitable capital planning to uplift and transform communities in partnership with a variety of stakeholders. This webcast will explore challenges and advances made by utilities through integration of economic, environmental, and social demographics and data into utility management and development of capital projects. Case studies will illustrate how utilities utilize data in decision making criteria during CIP planning, integrate an equity lens and community benefits into long term wastewater control programs, and encourage supplier diversity and local labor utilization into wastewater CIP program procurement. The webinar will also include a call to action and share how participants can collaborate with peer utilities and leaders to improve their programs.
- Zonetta English, Louisville MSD
- Caville Stanbury-Woolery, WSSC Water
- Rosaleen Nogle, Buffalo Sewer Authority
- Erica DePalma, US Water Alliance
- Victoria Johnson, HDR (moderator)
PDH Credits will be available for attendees following this event on this platform. Please look for further information to come.