February 11-14, 2025 | Dallas, Texas
This conference is jointly hosted by the Water Environment Federation and American Water Works Association.
Thank you for attending the Utility Management Conference in Dallas in 2025! Over the past three decades, members of AWWA and WEF have established The Utility Management Conference™ as one of the leading, most informative, and most prestigious management conferences available. Visit the AWWA webpage for more information.
For an overview of the schedule of events, click here to see the Schedule-At-A-Glance.
Save the date and join us in Charlotte, North Carolina, March 24-27,2026!
We are pleased to announce that the WEF/AWWA Utility Management Conference 2026 will take place at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, N.C., from March 24-27, 2026. Save the date and stay tuned for more details and the call for content!
The WEF/AWWA YP Summit will also take place in Dallas February 9-11, overlapping with the WEF/AWWA Utility Management Conference.
This is a skills development workshop that provides supplemental training and networking opportunities to emerging leaders and students in the water sector.
All students and young professionals in water-related roles are encouraged to join.
More About the YP SummitConnect with our community of water professionals who ensure that our local communities have access to clean water that protects public health. Explore our member benefits and find the membership type that’s right for you.
This virtual workspace, called WEFUnity, empowers WEF members to network and collaborate in an online environment.
See what's happening in the Community PlatformWEF is a source of high-quality technical resources featuring the latest research, news, and education. WEF's members and other credible resources have created and compiled this information into the Practice Area groupings listed in the dropdown menu.