WEF Events - Code of Conduct

WEF Event Code of Conduct

The following WEF Event Code of Conduct allows WEF to create the best experience possible for WEF Participants at a WEF Event. This WEF Event Code of Conduct provides general guidelines and examples which are representative of both expected and unacceptable behavior; however, such expected and unacceptable behavior is not limited to these examples. 

As a WEF Participant, you agree to the following:

  • To treat all individuals with respect and create a collegial, inclusive, and professional environment.
  • To value a diversity of views and opinions by communicating openly with respect for others.
  • Not to verbally abuse any individual or to discriminate, harass, or intimidate on the basis of gender, race, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, physical appearance, age, religion, national origin, veteran status, citizenship, or professional rank.
  • To abide by the Compliance with Antitrust Laws section of this WEF Event Code of Conduct.

 Expected behavior:

  • Exercise consideration and respect in your speech and actions.
  • Attempt collaboration before conflict.
  • Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech.
  • Be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants. Alert WEF staff if you notice a dangerous situation, someone in distress, or violations of this WEF Event Code of Conduct, even if they seem inconsequential.

Unacceptable Behavior:

  • Harassment and discrimination which includes any verbal, physical, or visual conduct based on gender, race, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, physical appearance, age, religion, national origin, veteran status, citizenship, or professional rank;
  • Inappropriate display, sharing or use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces (including presentation slides);
  • Any physical or verbal intimidation, stalking or following of other WEF Participant(s);
  • Harassing, photographing or recording of WEF Participant(s);
  • Sustained disruption of sessions, talks or other events;
  • Inappropriate physical contact, and any unwelcome sexual attention (physical or verbal);
  • Boisterous, lewd or offensive behavior or language such as threatening, intimidation, coercion, use of sexually explicit or offensive language or conduct, profanity, obscene gestures, or racial, religious or ethnic slurs.
  • Any illegal conduct or any conduct which WEF determines reflects negatively on or harms the reputation or business interests of WEF, the WEF Event and other WEF Participants.
  • Any harm, disturbance, disruption, or otherwise interference with the WEF Event or the WEF Event venue(s).
  • Misrepresentation of identity in order to gain access to sessions, exhibit hall or events, such as use of another attendee’s badge or use of name badge from prior WEF Event.
  • Non-adherence to the Compliance with Antitrust Laws section of this WEF Event Code of Conduct.

Differences of Opinion and Offense: To achieve the purposes of an event in the limited time provided, with the universal benefit of all WEF Participants’ being fully engaged, discussions should be focused on the meeting topic at hand. All WEF Participants must be able and welcome to equitably and effectively participate.  It is not a violation of the  WEF Event Code of Conduct to express an opinion, raise research or describe an experience (“articulation”) that is at odds with the opinions of or is offensive to others—if the articulation is part of an on-point discussion of the Event topic at hand and is offered in a manner that does not interfere with others’ reasonable ability and welcome to participate fully. That means expressing differing positions with respect and consideration for all, in a manner that reflects intellectual rigor and is demonstrably mindful of minimizing, as reasonably possible, its potential adverse effect on others’ ability to participate.  (Offering an advance warning of the potential for impact on others is one way to demonstrate such respect and consideration for all.) It also means not making an articulation that is reasonably expected to cause offense gratuitously (i.e., unrelated or unnecessary for the work on that topic). It means not directing the articulation as a personal attack, insult or “put-down” of an individual, and not dominating the discussion. It further means demonstrating consideration for anyone who appears to be in distress by promptly stopping the cause and demonstrating caring, while still pursuing a way to share pertinent information, with the WEF moderator’s assistance if needed.

Compliance with Antitrust Laws: When participating in a WEF Event, WEF Participants agree to comply with all federal and state antitrust laws. This means WEF Participants are prohibited from engaging in behavior that may be construed as anticompetitive or in violation of antitrust laws. This includes a number of topics that must not be discussed at WEF Events, or be the subject of any type of agreement, whether formal or informal, express or implied, among competitors with respect to their products or services, such as, but not limited to:

  • Pricing: past, current, future, fair profit levels, price changes, standards, stabilization
  • Terms of Sale: controlling sales, allocating markets, discounts, credit terms
  • Salaries, benefits, and other terms of employment for staff
  • Specific customers/vendors and their pricing or business practices

WEF Participants should be vigilant to steer clear of such topics in educational presentations as well as informal sessions at which prohibited topics may be introduced for discussion. By conducting business openly and avoiding even the appearance of engaging in activity which might be seen to have an effect on prices or competition, WEF and WEF Participants can protect themselves against charges of antitrust violations and anticompetitive behavior.

Violations of WEF Event Code of Conduct:  Violations of this WEF Event Code of Conduct, any dangerous situations, or anyone in distress should be reported immediately to a WEF Event representative, the WEF Event Ombuds (if any), the WEF Executive Director ( executivedirector@wef.org), or the WEF Event venue security.

Any WEF Participants who feel physically unsafe or believe a crime has been committed at a WEF Event, should contact local police immediately.

Anyone requested to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately.

Regardless of who makes the request or reports a violation of this WEF Event Code of Conduct, WEF may take any action it deems necessary and appropriate against any WEF Participant who engages in behavior which does not adhere with the principles set forth in this WEF Event Code of Conduct.  Such actions include, but shall not be limited to, the WEF Participant’s immediate expulsion from the WEF Event without warning, without a refund of their registration fee, and the disqualification of the WEF Participant from participating in future WEF Events and any other WEF activity. Such actions include, but shall not be limited to, the WEF Participant’s immediate expulsion from the WEF Event without warning, without a refund of their registration fee, and the disqualification of the WEF Participant from participating in future WEF Events and any other WEF activity. Further, if the WEF Participant who violates this WEF Event Code of Conduct is also a WEF member, such WEF Participant shall also be subject to the disciplinary actions set forth in the WEF Member Code of Conduct and the Member Discipline Policy.

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